Thursday, April 11, 2024

Privacy and Security in the Modern Age

We live in a age of advanced technology. These technologies can sometimes be far beyond what we thought was possible. In this new age we need to find ways to protect ourselves from both the government and others. But does this mean that all of these technologies are bad? the short answer is no. Some of these technologies that we have can be very beneficial. 

Being a Media Production major, I would be the most effected with privacy and security online. My job revolves around putting stuff out there, posting online, and my social media presence. My main concern is with the government and how they use my data to gain information about me. Let me start out by listing the Social media that I use most. Personally I use, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, X (Twitter), and Linked in. 

However the only platform I post on is Instagram, so far I have only made one post and don't comment on others posts. I think the person in my family that is most protected in my Father. He has never owned any social media accounts and his information is all relatively private. You know how if you search yourself up on google, you have a good chance of finding yourself? Yea well I cant do that with my dad. He's like a ghost on the internet, believe me, I have tried.

Now there has also been a lot of discussion on what the government can do in response to your privacy online. Here is the thing, what can they do? Yes they can pass laws to help prevent the selling and collection of data but what about other things like cyberbullying and other forms speech? The answer here is not much. 

Depending on the nature of cyberbullying it cam be complicated. What exactly is cyberbullying? Some more common instances of cyberbullying are comments or speech meant to harm, or belittle a person. most commonly they are rude comments under a post. These could be classified as hate speech (Do you see where im going with this?). Lets take X for example. Its the platforms job to keep its users safe, but Elon Musk has tweeted that his platform is a place for free speech, very 1st amendment like. And whats protected under the first amendment? Hate Speech! 

Nowadays its harder to determine what hate speech is due to numerous opinions on it. There are some people who say trans woman aren't woman and vise versa. and those people who disagree with that will try to "cancel" or stop you from saying such things. 

The government also uses you data for good as well. with your data it could be easier to protect you form future harm. In one of the videos we watched Police are using servileness cameras on highways and roads to "Track where your going". However there are benefits to this as well. Cameras cam be used to help police track down criminals and assist in high speed chases. 

The simplest way to protect ourselves from invasions of privacy is to, in short, not be stupid. You have to be carful on what you post online and say online because once its ther you can never take it back. I have seen multiple people post on Instagram about their "fun weekend"n and its them drinking alchohol when their clearly underage. 

Its stuff like this where you need to be smart and not dumb. The other way you can protect yourself is to just not have social media in general but lets be honest, that is not happening. Unfortunately we live in a world where social media is a necessity for both finding jobs and being present in society. 

Above is a video of Mark Zuckerberg apologizing to the victims of cyberbullying on his platform (Instagram). Personally I wouldn't apologies or give compensation for the victims as Zuckerberg said, there were measures that could have been taken to prevent such things form happening or spreading, like reporting the user. 

There have been a lot of discussions on cyberbullying on these platforms however I believe that this issue is not as complicated as you might think. My thoughts on cyberbullying are very... unique, and I know that everyone else opinions differ from mine. But ill explain my opinions anyway. 

On each platforms that I use, and others that I don't use, there are features that allow you to report accounts for various reasons. I could not tell you how many articles, videos, and stories that I have seen where someone was being cyberbullied and, rather than reporting the account and taking action, they resulted in committing self harm. Now, here is where my opinion comes in. In no way am I blaming the victim here, but why didn't you take easier steps into stoping the bully rather than letting them get to you. 


After posing this I was scrolling on TikTok and found a very interesting video about Apple devices. With all apple products you have a touch id on macs and some iphones that scan your finger print and face Id that you can use to unlock your device. People think that this is a way of taking your information but this is not true, its a lot more secure than you think. The way that they store that information is though something called Secure Enclave which is something unique storage system on your device. It is a physical hardware patrician which is disconnected form the rest of the device. This is a secure way fro your data and information to be stored.

If you wana see the video here is the link 

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