Tuesday, April 9, 2024

EOTO#1 Reaction Post

I had the opportunity to hear some really interesting facts about Communication Technologies. I got to hear multiple people speak and inform us about these technologies though the ages. He are a few that stand out to me.

The Telephone (1876)

Landon Reihs spoke about the Telephone, which was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1879. originally Bell came to the United States to try and teach to the deaf. This lead him to invent the microphone which eventually helped him to create the telephone. 

The iphone (2007)

Speaking of phones, Charles Nichols had a very interesting presentation about the iphone. This one was interesting as It shows how far we have come sense the invention of the telephone way back in 1879. Most people know that the iphone was announced in 2007 but not many people know that the first patent was in 1992. This new device allowed people to access the internet, make phone calls, and listen to music all in once device. it was also to push boundaries with communities, healthcare and photography as the phone also came with a camera. 

The Radio (1893)

The final presentation I wanted to mention was the one presented by Marissa Janis. Her presentation consisted of the invention of the Radio. Marissa taught us that Reginald Fessenden was the first human voice to be heard over the radio in 1906 and it was Lee De Forest who wanted to schedule the first live broadcast. She also said that he first radio station was a station called KDKA. The Radio was also first invented in Italy but it was perfected here in the United States. 

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