Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Final Blog - Technology

Because we live in a very technological advanced era that continues to grow at a rapid pace, its hard to think about how we CAN'T use technology in our day to day lives. As a Media Production major my relationship with technology is far greater than those in other fields. This means that I understand technology to a sense that others might not thought possible. 

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When it comes to school, technology is an essential. From taking notes, submitting assignments to even applying. If I were to ask you how you applied to HPU or any college for that matter, you would probably say that I used a service called "Common App". This is a fast and easy way to apply to colleges without the hassle of sending letters to the school itself. Even when you got your acceptance letter it came though the schools official website.    

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What about jobs and applying for jobs? Same thing. Most college students and adults have access to many job application sites such as linkedIn and Handshake. These sites make it easy to market yourself and apply for jobs though their application page. Here is my LinkedIn if you want to take a look. 

But what about applications outside of these? What are the pros and cons of these sites? Lets talk about the big one that everyone probably has downloaded on their phone. Instagram.

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My personal use of Instagram is really only to market myself. If you look on my instagram you will see 1 post about me directing my first Woman's Lacrosse game for ESPN+. This is my primary use of Instagram. 

I do follow my friends, family, and mostly sports centers and teams. Depending on how you use Instagram depends on your relationship with it. My use of instagram is purely marketing, therefore I have no
insentive to look at it for more than 30 minutes a day.

Some people however use the app religiously, posting life stories and updates. If you want to protect yourself with this type of technology, then the answer is pretty simple. Don't be stupid. Don't post yourself committing illegal acts and don't start anything in someones comments section. 

Cyberbullying as a whole I find stupid. We are smart enough to understand what needs to be done to stop a cyberbully. All social media sites have a feature that allows you to report and block a user for any number of reasons. However not everyone utilizes these features. Cyberbullying is not different from normal bullying. If you see something, then say something, otherwise nothing will happen.

The last thing I did was Google myself to see what comes up. The top 3 things that came up were as follows. The first thing was my LinkedIn profile. The second thing was information about my Eagle Scout project I did at Wagner Farms. The third thing was my achievements at my High School, MKA. All of which are positive and I see no negative things to be found.

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