Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Military Operations and Anti War

The websites and The American Conservative have some really interesting takes on modern military operations which you cannot find in the media. So why is this? why cant you find this in the media today? The answer is pretty simple. its because the media choses not to report on it, as they would prefer to control and persuade rather than report the truth. 

Most of the articles and other sources on these websites are about the Russia v Ukraine war. Most of these articles focus on what is really going on during the war. Most of which is not what the "normal" media sources tell you. 

The reason why the media doesn't report on stories like these is because it doesn't fit their agenda. You see the media, such as ESPN, ABC, CBS, and others are controlled by only 7 companies. these companies are able to manipulate their broadcasts in order to suit their needs. These needs are mostly far left on the political spectrum. 

The media tries to manipulate you by pushing content that they WANT you to see. This is because without control over the people, they might revoke and realize what we are actually doing. 

However this isnt true all the time. There are still stories that they report true facts on. Take CNN for example. To me, they don't have a perfect track record when it comes to credibility but even they must push real, truthful content. The best example is of the Pro-Palestinian protestors over the country. 

Its hard to try and manipulate the audience of them being "good people" with "good intentions". A good example is of recently, there have been these protestors at Columbia University. CNN invited Jewish students to speak about their experience dealing with these protestors. Check out this post form CNN about that.

However it isn't just war that the media tries to manipulate you with. Its almost everything. 

Lets take crime for example. A few months ago there was a story pushed out by The New York Post and Daily Mail about a police officer fatally shooting a woman in her car.

Twitter source
As you can see the heading of the article makes it sound like the officer did it on a whim and without any thought. However this isn't the full sorry. The woman in the photo, her name was Ta'Kyia Young, shoplifted goods from a nearby store. When the police were called and approached her vehicle, Young accelerated her car to try and hit the officer. The officer, senseing his life was in danger, did what he was trained to do and stop the threat. 

This is just one of many examples of this type of censorship and manipulation in the media. If you want to see more then I would suggest looking at my other blog post titled FAKE NEWS. 

My suggestion is to use sites like Twitter for news information. This is because it is a sure way to get accurate and TRUE news. Twitter has a feature called community guidelines where they correct false information in a post. 

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