Tuesday, April 16, 2024




With todays Media and news sources its hard to decipher what is real and what is fake. a lot of news sources use Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation in order to control their viewers. So what exactly are these terms I speak of? Well you may have heard the term Fake News, most commonly used by former president Donald Trump. But there is a lot more to it than that, which is why I am here, to help you understand the truth. Up top is a diagram that I found on google to help you understand these terms, if you don't want to read my article... don't worry I understand :(. 

Lets talk about Misinformation first. Misinformation is what is commonly found in news sites and overall media. as the diagram suggests it is a form of information that is false to mislead others regardless of intent. Here is an example of misinformation in the media 


On August 20th 2022 a Tiktok was posted about Disney World lowering their drinking age to 18 years old. The video got so many views that ABC news picked up on the story and did a broadcast on it. 

Upon further investigation of the news lead to an article posted by a article posted by a source called Mouse Trap News. When reading the about section of the page it clearly says that they are not a legitimate news source for Disney. It also says that they ONLY write fake stories about Disney and its parks. This is why I don't listen to live news broadcasts like ABC as they clearly don't investigate their stories that they see. 

To read more information about 'Fake News' and Misinformation see this source which includes some case studies from previous years.

Lets talk about Disinformation next. This is commonly referred as 'Fake News' as the information given isn't actually true. As the diagram suggests disinformation is deliberately created to harm, manipulate, or mislead others. 


In 2019 Newsweek falsely reported that Trump spend his Thanksgiving golfing. However upon further investigation this claim was determined to be false. Another example of how the media doesn't fact check their own stories before publishing them

The reporter in charge of the story fabricated the golf story when in actuality Donald Trump spent his Thanksgiving visiting the troops in Afganistan. 

In 2018 NBC reported that Trump didn't visit the troops during Christmas "The first President since 2002. However this was not true. Trump and First Lady Melania flew out Christmas Day to visit soldiers in Iraq. It also makes him the first U.S. president in history to visit troops in a combat zone both on Christmas and Thanksgiving. But the media didn't report on that. 

The final forma of information is Malinformation. This type of information is based off of fact but is taken out of context in order to mislead, harm and manipulate.



In 2017 TMZ falsy reported that Trump changed Black History Month to African Americna History month. It is true that Trump did call it African American History month however Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton all called it that. 

Thais article was taken out of context and didnt account for what all of the other past presidents have called it. Making it so that Trump was 'in the wrong'

BBC, The Guardian, and others reported that Trump wasnt listening to a speech by Italy's Prime Minister as he was not seen wearing translation headphones.

This is also true but taken out of context. It is seen here that although Trump was not wearing translation headphones rather he was wearing a translation earpiece. 


Another video by CNN, which was edited, showed that Trump "Impatiently" dumped fish food in the water at Japans Palace. However he was just following the lead of Japans Prime Minister.

All of these types of information from the media can have dire effects on the world we live in today. Because we live in a world where media is the source of everything, people aorund us can be influenced by what they see online. And because they dont fact check any of the articles they are prone to believe the stories which news outlets feed out.

The bets way to combat this is to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, rather than going off just the information the news gives you. 

There is one more thing I would like to say about fake news, propaganda and the works. There is a TV show on Amazon Prime video called "The Boys". For those who are unfamiliar with the show its about a group of average people plotting to take down the superhero industry which is lead by a company called Vought International. 

On the surface it may seem like this group is the 'bad guys' but in actuality they are the good guys, the and super hero's that are in the world, are the bad guys. In my opinion this show perfectly describes what the world would be like if super humans did exist.

Vought International runs the media. They have control over almost all forms of news media that we see today. They have their own Instagram, Twitter, Live television, and much more. Because of this they are able to manipulate their audience into believe what they want to believe.

I highly recommend the show which you can find only on Amazon Prime Video. Here is a trailer if your interested. And some posters.



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