Monday, March 11, 2024

Top Five Sources of News and Information

With the new technologies and applications we have today, there are a lot of sites and sources you can use to get current news and information. My views of News sources are very different from others in my class and my friends. In my personal opinion its more important to know the truth rather than knowing ones opinion. I have heard a lot of people say "Oh I read news from both Fox and CNN in order to get both sides of the matter" or something similar to that. I however really only read/watch news from sources that speak the truth and give us the truth. That being said, here are my top five sources of News and Information. 

#1: Twitter/X

With Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter in 2022, and renaming it X, he has made many change to the app so that it was more about free speech and expression. X is a app where I could get the headlines of most news information from all of the sources listed below. The main reason why I use X is because I can follow news sources and get the headlines for their articles, without having to go to each website and read through them all. This allows me to click and chose which articles i'm interested in. For example I can scroll past the articles saying "Buried Treasure" (yes this was a headline by Fox) and find the articles that say "Trump wins the state of Maine". Almost all of the news I find on Twitter give quick summary of the article so that I can read it, understand it, and move on. This allows me to consume more news at a faster rate. Another thing that I like about this app is that it has a feature called "Community Notes" which lets the viewer know if there is any misinformation or missing information in a post. Someone on X actually made an account called Community Notes Violating People which is fun to look at from time to time. 

#2: Fox News 

I tune into Fox News mainly to see the world news that is currently happening. World news is mostly the same across all media platforms as there isn't really a way to manipulate the information in one favor. The other news I get from Fox is Political News.  Fox News is known to provide more accurate information about current topics. There are some articles I have read from both Fox and CNN where CNN has severly downgraded the issue and information as it doesn't appeal to their beliefs. Meanwhile Fox releases the the truth and the whole truth. As stated in my opening I have heard people say "Oh I read news from both Fox and CNN in order to get both sides of the matter" or something like that. But in this situation I would much rather the whole truth and explanation rather than hearing ones opinions on it. To me the Truth is more important that ones opinion. 

#3: The Daily Wire 

The Daily wire is more of a conservative/republican news source and I put this on here because it aligns with my beliefs and I think what they have to say is really funny. Im going to say this to start this is not a news source for everyone. some of the things that are said in these articles and shows would be considered bad or could get them "Canceled" as their views do not align with the "World Views". The Daily wire has both news articles, as well as, pod casts. The pod casts are what i listen to most often, some of the more frequent ones are "The Ben Shapiro Show" and the "Matt Walsh Show". The host of "The Ben Shapiro Show", Ben Shapiro, talks more about politics in his podcast as well as world/American News. He talks about new policies the current president or congress is putting into place as well as general news around the world and the U.S. involvement in them. "The Matt Walsh Show" on the other hand talks more about local news, the news you would see on the inside of the newspaper rather than the front page. He also talks about cultural, religious and political issues that are currently taking place. 

#4: ESPN

As someone who is involved in the sports production industry, it is important to know what is happening in the sports industry. ESPN provides live stats from all sports events that are happening that game and in the past. As I am typing this I am streaming the Big South Tournament, HPU vs Radford, through ESPN+. If you are into sports ESPN supplies you with live scores and statistics that can help you follow the game if you aren't there in person. ESPN is also free to use across all platforms. Another reason why I mention ESPN is because all of HPU's D1 athletic events are streamed directly to ESPN+. 

#5: TikTok

Surprisingly there are a lot of different content creators on TikTok who make videos on current events happening around the world/country. One of the people, or rather fish, that I listen to is T. McTrout, from the Bikini Bottom News. Yes this is a real thing and yes it is actually the news fish from SpongeBob. Somehow someone made the fish a TikTok account that shares current events. Unfortunately the account has been banned for an unknown reason. The other news account on TikTok is a user called Dylan Page. Dylan makes short videos in order to give the listener a simplified explanation of current events. He also doesn't pick sides and is a completely unbiased news broadcaster. One of the other things thats nice about this user is that he doesn't just broadcast the big picture news, he also broadcasts smaller, less known news, that may still have an impact on our lives. 

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