Thursday, April 18, 2024

Diffusion Theory and Chat GPT

To my understanding Diffusion Theory is how new innovations pick up over time and who picks them up. Its a very interesting theory. One that, looking back, has been present in my life and what I have noticed, only now it has a definition. We were asked to read the opening of Diffusion Theory from Wikipedia but I got a more detailed and easier to understand explanation from Investopedia 


When a new technology comes available to the people, of course there will be some who use it and some who don't, but there is more to it than that. According to this theory when a new technology is introduced, people fall into one of  5 categories. 

2.5% of people who get the product form the start are called the innovators. They are typically people or influencers who want to take risks by investing in the product no matter the outcome. Its these people who try it out  the product and figure out how it all works . 

13.5% of people are called the early adopters. they aware that change is necessary and usually are the people you turn to for opinions about the product. They are said to love leadership positions and guide the rest of the people twords the product.

34% of people are called the early majority. They are the ones who want to see the full capabilities of the product before purchase. This is because they want substantial evidence that the product works as intended. 

another 34% of people are the late majority. they are against change and usually buy the product if they are challenged into doing so. They also do it to appeal to the population. They would typically be business owners. 

The last 16% are called the Laggards. These people usually don't buy the product as they dont like change and are very conservative of tradition. Its very hard to turn them over to the product.

Here is a graph that sums up what I just said.


The 1st New Technology that comes to mind when thinking about diffusion theory is the use of AI. AI has been developing at a rapid pace and has been implemented into a lot of different things.  

Lets talk about the most famous AI right now, Chat GPT. This AI program has been taking the world by storm in these last couple years. Its also worth noting that students have started using it, so much so that schools have been starting to use Ai detection programs. 


A majority of students that use Chat GPT fall under the Early or Late Majority categories. Once students realized that students could use this program to "help" them on assignment's, students have been using it ever since. 

Because most schools have noticed this they have started adding AI detection programs in order to see if their students work was their work or if it was written by AI. And because these detection programs are in fact AI schools would fall under the Late Majority category. 

This is because the schools felt the need to implement AI into their own education system because of what students are doing. Like above the late majority only implement the product if they are challenged to do so.  The challenge here would be the students.

Personally, I fall under the Laggards. There are many reasons as to why I do but here are the main points.

The first reason is because I have never used AI software for any type of assignment. I have seen what AI has created and to be honest, I'm not impressed. Ai writes some garbage material that would never pass in an actually classroom setting. I believe that it would be much easier, and probably faster, to just to do the work on your own. 

The second reason is that (pardon my language) I know my shit. I get good grades in school and am currently sitting at a 3.5 GPA. Its also worth noting that I rarely study. 

Now I bet your wondering "How the heck are you getting such good grades when you barley study?". Well the answer is fairly simple. I am great at Math and Science, so there really isn't a challenge there. English and History are probably the subjects I struggle the most with however there is a way around this. English and History classes have one thing in common. Papers. Because we have papers I have more time to work on them and make them the best it can be. 

As long as you take good notes, and understand what you have to do, and when its due, then you will be fine. 

Although AI programs have taken the world by storm in these recent years. I don't like them. I think there stupid. There are other resources you can use to help your education and future career without turning to AI programs. 

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