Friday, March 22, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression


The first speech theory that I believe is most important is #6 Promote Tolerance. In recent years there have been a lot of people trying to silence each other based on what they believe and say. 

The most common argument that You will see is about Transgender people and other people that don't comply with the standard "Male" or "Female" roles. In addition, its mostly those who are a part of the LGBTQ community that try to "Shut up" people if they disagree with their way of thinking. 

Now I am a firm first and second amendment advocate. Im going to just go right out there and say it. The LGBTQ community isn't tolerant and respectable of others. Personally I believe that Transgenderism is a mental disorder. Its when you try to say that out loud where the Trans community yells and screams at you and doesn't want to listen. They even go as far as to "cancel" you if you try to say it. 

These are not the signs of a tolerant community at all. If we want to live in a society that is tolerant with one another than we need to be able to say what we want to say (as long as its first amendment approved). 


The second speech theory that I most agree with is #5 Check on Government Power. Recently there have been a lot of evidence of government censorship on both social media sites and news sites. although with news sites its more up the the publisher rather than the government. 

One of the most recent examples is the twitter files. This is where the government influenced the censorship of people who used twitter. overall there is a massive problem with the government violating our amendment rights however not many people know that because they themselves don't know what the government can or cannot do. 

Ways we can fix this issue is for everyone to understand their constitutional rights and those who do know their rights to fight against the government. This will only go so far however, as we have seen in the past and now, the government has no fear in blatantly censoring those who oppose them. Another way we can combat this is by getting new representatives in both congress and the senate. 

All of us have the right to freedom of speech, and no government can take that away from us. if the government takes that right away from us then it basically demolishes all of the other values that are on this list. Without freedom of speech then society as a whole will plummet 


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